Facts About Root Canals

We know the thought of getting a root canal might feel overwhelming, but modern root canal therapy shouldn’t be a source of anxiety – it’s actually your pain-free path to relief and long-term dental health. With advanced techniques and experienced care, this common procedure has helped countless patients just like you maintain their natural smiles […]


Simple toothaches can often be relieved by rinsing the mouth to clear it of debris and other matter. Sometimes, a toothache can be caused or aggravated by a piece of debris lodged between the tooth and another tooth. Avoid placing an aspirin between your tooth and gum to relieve pain, because the dissolving aspirin can […]


Pain can occur in any number of places in your mouth: teeth, gums, roots, the palate, tongue and jaw. Cavities are a common culprit causing pain. Untreated cavities can impact nerves because of infections of the tooth and gums. Impacted and abscessed teeth and sore jaws from teeth grinding are other common causes of pain. […]


Sealants are liquid coatings that harden on the chewing surfaces of teeth and are showing a great deal of effectiveness in preventing cavities—even on teeth where decay has begun. The pits and grooves of your teeth are prime areas for opportunistic decay. Even regular brushing sometimes misses these intricate structures on the chewing surfaces of […]


Frequently asked questions: dental fillings Are dental amalgams safe? Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to amalgam? Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries? Is there a filling material that matches tooth color? If my tooth doesn’t hurt and my filling is still in place, why would the […]

April 2022 Dental Newsletter

The Importance of Preventive Care: Maintaining Good Oral Health Preventative dental care is a significant part of overall dental health, but it’s often an afterthought. Our dedicated dentist sees many patients who don’t keep up with consistent preventative oral care and then must fix the problems it creates. Preventive dental care is the first step […]


Invisalign’s® invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners will give you the beautiful straight teeth you’ve always wanted. And best of all, no one can tell you’re wearing them. Invisalign® is great for adults and teenagers. What is Invisalign®? How Does Invisalign® Work? How Are Aligners Made? You’d Be Amazed… Visit the Invisalign® website


Teeth that are badly stained, shaped, or crooked may be improved by a veneer placed on the surface of the affected teeth. Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or plastic cemented over the front of your teeth to change their color or shape. Veneers are used on teeth with uneven surfaces or that are chipped, […]

Crowns and Bridges

Bridges Bridges are natural-looking dental appliances that can replace a section of missing teeth. Because they are custom-made, bridges are barely noticeable and can restore the natural contour of teeth as well as the proper bite relationship between upper and lower teeth. Bridges are sometimes referred to as fixed partial dentures because they are semi-permanent […]

Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Patient

Patient Rights (Adopted by the American Dental Association in 2009) Your Responsibilities as a Patient (Adopted by the American Dental Association in 2009) American Dental Association Leads Fight for Patient Rights The American Dental Association has supported legislation that will set a few basic rules to promote high-quality care and protect patients in an increasingly […]