If you have crooked teeth and you’ve thought to yourself that it’s too late to ever see a straight smile – think again! At Relax Dental, we can straighten you smile in as few as 12 months with Invisalign. This innovative orthodontic method offers you many benefits, including:
- Comfortable treatment with clear plastic aligners
- No metal brackets, wires, or bands that can irritate your mouth
- Discreet treatment, as the aligners are made of clear plastic
Call Relax Dental today at one of our two convenient locations to find out more about Invisalign: (336) 841-0000 (High Point) or (336) 226-4714 (Burlington). You can also request an appointment online.https://my.visme.co/_embed/1j6pjnep-van-scoyoc-clear-aligners?responsive=1
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