Fluoridated Toothpaste, Mouthwash, and Water Benefits

During the forming of the enamel matrix, Fluoride will harden the enamel. However, excess fluoride would cause “mottling” of teeth, and large amounts of fluoride can contribute to weak bones in the body as it gets incorporated into the long bones. I support the American Dental Association’s (ADA) position that if fluoride at the concentration of one part per million is placed in the water supply, the benefit for the population involved will lower the cavity rate.

Some people have called the move to fluoridate drinking water a plan to poison the water and promote health problems. The other objection is that the fluoride used is the by-product of aluminum production; therefore, it is contaminated and should not be used. Free fluoride ions are free radicals, and they can combine with hydrocarbons and produce fluorinated hydrocarbons. Some anti-fluoride advocates insist that these compounds are cancer-causing, and that is their reason for opposing fluoride.

Why a Chlorinated Water Supply is Important

Having a chlorinated water supply outweighs the risks by keeping the levels of pathogens low. Numerous studies pre- and post-fluoridation tout the benefits of fluoride. Without fluoride, we would need to increase the number of dentists to deal with the rampant cavities in our population.

In the original fluoride findings, communities with naturally fluoridated water sources showed significantly lower cavity rates. The fluorosis studies allowed us to develop an optimal level of one part per million, which was enough to give the positive benefits without the adverse effects of mottling or discoloration or excessive fluoride buildup in the bones. Suppose subsequent water supplies used a fluoridation process that allowed us to have optimal levels of fluoride, and the method of placement in the water supply was transparent. In that case, I believe the public would benefit from it.

If communities are adding pure fluoride and are sampling to make sure some parts of their organizations do not have excess fluoride in their water by pooling or improper mixing, then the benefits could ensue. If you are unsure about your water supply or are using well water, a water test would help you determine the existing fluoride level children need fluoride supplements. Also, some well water is naturally fluoridated.

Some parents opt to use bottled water to avoid fluoridated water, and they experience the increased dental expense from having their children’s teeth filled or needing root canal treatment. So if your community can provide you the source of their fluoride (for your peace of mind) and you follow up with water testing, you should feel good about enjoying the benefits of fluoride.

Fluoridated Toothpaste

Another way of enjoying the benefits of fluoride is through topical fluorides and the use of fluoridated toothpaste. Neutral fluorides are an excellent way to avoid the doubts of excess free radicals and fluoridation techniques. Be careful not to swallow a lot of fluoride paste, as that can cause a stomach-ache or, in large amounts, fluoride poisoning.

Brushing with a fluoride paste can be followed by expectorating(spitting) without rinsing and waiting half an hour to eat or drink. Topical fluoride can be absorbed into the tooth structure to harden it and become a deterrent to cavity formation. Table salt is a neutral compound made up of a positive sodium ion and two negative chlorine ions; in like manner,

A toothpaste company has never surveyed me, but I know a toothpaste company has never watched me recommend their toothpaste brand. I recommend most fluoride toothpaste for everyday use, but recommend toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate for the first few days after the patient has a bone graft procedure. Sodium lauryl sulfate breaks down salivary pellicle, making your teeth feel smooth after you brush. It also retards new epithelial tissue development at a critical time when your newly grafted tissue needs to stay covered.

The new formulations of toothpaste promise whitening, tartar reduction, and fresher breath. The truth is all these benefits are available by doing your re-care visits every three months. If the toothpaste did what they promise, there would be no need for dentists. Plain fluoride toothpaste with no addition of newer, sometimes harsher chemicals and regular dental visits seems to be the answer for most of the population.

Many mouthwash types have alcohol as one of their active ingredients, but the tide seems to be shifting to newer, healthier options that are nonalcoholic. One of the best mouth rinses for periodontal disease is one that contains chlorhexidine gluconate. It should be short-term therapy only because it stains teeth, especially in areas where bacteria and plaque accumulate. This mouth rinse is dispensed at the pharmacy and generally requires a prescription.